I’m Claire 👋

Strengths: Photography, vintage shopping, weird interactions with people, shark facts

Weaknesses: Smirking when I shouldn’t, messing up idioms, museum gift shops

Recently, I decided to leave my job as a product designer at Northwestern Mutual and move to London in order to pursue a masters in Creative Computing at University of the Arts London. Education is very important to me, and after graduating cum laude from Fordham University as a Engineering Physics major and Digital Design minor, and I knew I would eventually want to go back to school for a degree that further combines my love for STEM and the arts. Pursuing this masters will lead me one step closer to being a full-stack designer.

UX/Product Design is a perfect intersection of my passions for problem-solving + aesthetics. I love helping users have a seamless experience on digital platforms. It allows me to be empathetic with users while also being a designer. Eventually, I would love to create products for developing businesses that give back to the planet; that way, I incorporate my passions for social and environmental impact.

On the side, I do freelance photography. I started out doing mainly fashion photography, which I still adore, but my love for music took over and now I collaborate with many musicians– whether it’s by photographing their concerts, promo materials, or even designing their cover art. I love helping artists develop artistically by providing unique photos that capture their aesthetic. Not to mention, it means the world to me to capture such special moments for the artists I love.

Long story short, I am a girl of many interests, but three of my passions always stay the same: creativity, problem-solving, and a strong desire to help others + the planet.